Monday, November 28, 2016

Thanksgiving Week

Thanksgiving Week

What I did on my Thanksgiving week was i went the hospital on tuesday because i hurt my left knee. I hurt it by playing football i was playing and got tackled and i heard something crack in knee but it wasn't my bone it might have been a muscle or a ligament. So this coming up tuesday I'm gonna be going to the hospital to see what they are gonna do and if i might need surgery.I played football and soccer with my brother and i watched the football game of the Raiders against the Panthers and the Raiders won just by a little bit.I watched a movie called Paddigton it was about a bear that acts like a human but is a bear and goes to london in hope of finding the explorer that visited their aunt and uncle.I did some question on a speech about obama for my english class and some annotations.I also did some health homework and i had to do a pamphlet about infectious disease and all the different ways to get it and to get rid of it.It was fun over the break because i got to relax in my house and not do anything and it was better becasuue it was raining and was cold. I like the gloomy weather because its nice that there is no sun and it is windy. I helped my neighbor do here cleaning on monday and she gave 5 dollars for it and i didn't really want money. I like when we have long breaks because we can have some time to relax and some people may go on trip and go to new places they haven't been before.

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